What is amateur radio?
Radio amateurs can be found almost in every country and in various circles.
They represent a motley collection of backgrounds and professions. They have one thing in common: their passion for technology and for radio. Among them were the late King Hussein of Jordan, his fellow King Juan Carlos of Spain and the late Indian Prime Minister Rhajiv Ghandi. Carlos Menem, president of Argentina, also joined radio amateurs. But there is room for you too.
You too can become a radio amateur! You will then join the circle of friends of more than a million licensed radio amateurs worldwide.

HF column
The HF column deals with everything shortwave (below 30 MHz). You will learn all about contests, DX, awards, etc...

V-U-SHF column
The VHF column covers everything about VHF and beyond (50 MHz and more). You will learn all about contesting, DX, propagation, etc...

ARDF column
ARDF stands for Amateur Radio Direction Finding. It is also known as radio orientation or, more popularly, as "fox hunting" and is related to orientation cross.

B-EARS column
B-EARS stands for Belgian Emergency Amateur Radio Service. It is a radio emergency network that can help emergency services when traditional means of communication fail.
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