IARU Region 1 HF Bandplan
Band plans exist to guide radio amateurs on the optimum use of spectrum. For effective communications by radio, consideration is needed of many different types of transmission modes available today. Many of these do not comfortable share spectrum with other modes and so spectrum is used optimally if there is some segregation of modes.
Although harmonizing is pursued, bandplans may differ from one IARU Region to another. Belgium is located in IARU Region 1.
IARU Member Societies contribute to the development and maintenance of bandplans. These bandplans are established during the IARU Conferences.
The most current Region 1 HF bandplan can be downloaded in PDF form below.

In IARU Regions 2 and 3, there is of course a band plan.
Then in the United States of America, as in other countries, there is a band plan depending on the licence.
So it is also interesting to have some understanding of this.