Event details
Chaussée de Bruxelles, 61
Hello all,
As part of a provincial exercise next week, there is a chance that we will be activated to provide various radio communications.
While I do not have all the details, here is the main information :
Possible activation between Wednesday 5 at 4 pm and Friday 7 June at noon, for a period of 3 hours.
2 operators may be requested, for two posts in total: PC-OPS (in Wavre), Provincial Crisis Center (also in Wavre). In addition, a third operator may be required at the Wavre Emergency Center.

ON3XAV Xavier Rescue Zone ZSWAPI 12/11/2023
The minimum equipment needed is a base station with battery and magnetic antenna. A mobile station should also suffice, given the short distance of connections.
Note that this activation'is likely, but not 100% certain. The date and time are not fixed in these time slots, but we would like to know in advance if you are available so we can be sure to respond,
We would like to receive your availability : ON6RF@uba.be or ON7CFI@uba.be
As you can see, the exact details of the exercise (content, course) are not communicated, which adds a layer of realism to our intervention.
If you are available, you can be contacted anytime between Wednesday and Friday (if you have indicated 'availability').
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Thanks in advance for your cooperation! See you soon, 73 de Manoël Responsable Provincial B-EARS Brabant Wallon

ON6RF Manoël tests antenna at Saint Pierre hospital 09/11/2024