Event details
Université Libre de Bruxelles - Campus de Parentville
Rue de Villers, 227
CM Section CLR Daniel ON6YI
For pre-registration : on4ktu@uba.be Jean-Marie
Within the UBA, the B-EARS brings together volunteer radio amateurs who want to help out in the event of major communication failures or breakdowns.
To be effective, and above all to learn how to cooperate, you'll need a little training to understand the vocabulary of our contacts.
It will also enable you to learn more about your devices (portable, mobile...), to use our installation efficiently, and to gain an insight into the workings of our institutions and the 5 disciplines :

ON6RF and ON7PC at the press conference for the signing of the cooperation agreement with the governor of Walloon Brabant October 18, 2019
1 La structure de l'UBA et du B-EARS | |
2 Les structures de l'Etat belge | |
3 La planification d’urgence / Les 3 phases / Les 5 disciplines / Le CC / Le PC-Ops | |
4 Le CRC-W / Les Provinces /Les autres services | |
5 La procédure de mobilisation B-EARS | |
6 Les procédures | |
7 La déontologie | |
8 Le matériel | |
9 Les fréquences | |
10 ASTRID | |
11 CU112 Mons, les Zones de Secours HAI, ce qui est attendu du B-EARS | |
12 Questions / Réponses | |
13 Epreuve écrite récapitulative. |
The day will start at 9:00 am and finish around 5:00 pm.
There will be a lunch break. ( Sandwich possible)
Location section CLR de l'UBA Centre de l'ULB (Parenville), Rue de Villers, 227 at 6010 Couillet (Charleroi).
Thanks to Daniel ON6YI for hosting us
For pre-registration : on4ktu@uba.be Jean-Marie